Thursday, October 30, 2008

The statistics

Mom kept very good records of her trip, and it can be summed up in the following numbers:

Gas $2,139.24
Miles 9,526 (16 mpg)
Total cost $4,514.49

Very economical, mom! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wrap up!

Hi there!

Here is the final entry on this road trip, from mom in her own words, sent to me on Mon Oct 27:

I arrived home 16 days ago and am still having wonderful ‘flashbacks’ to certain moments of the journey! Uppermost would be Margaret’s last hug. We had a wonderful last visit before she made her transition at 100 while I was still on my trip. She moved back to Chicago at 96 (don’t be shocked, she had an aorta valve replacement at 89!) and corresponded with me the whole time. I want to review her letters and send them to Sherri, her granddaughter, to have. She touched so many lives with love, never a word of complaint. What a role model for all of us.

It was wonderful to see 3 friends and 6 cousins. One cousin I hadn’t seen since he was about 6 years old! One cousin so resembles my dad that it’s spooky!

Next in importance would be swimming in Walden Pond. I had intentions of walking Blondie around the whole lake but found out no dogs were allowed. I totally knew I’d regret it if I didn’t get out there & swim (there were several other people swimming) & of course, once in, I did NOT want to get out of the water! It was about 72 but not uncomfortable temperature-wise. The silence & serenity of the area was so restful. It was truly a magical moment. Yes, I could do a “Thoreau” and live there for 2 years by myself! The hermit!

Another big highlight portion of the trip would be Frank Lloyd Wright and his works of art. With that talent, he was entitled to be eccentric, egotistical and arrogant! After the Fallingwater tour, I bought the dvd and would love to share it with those unable to get back to Pennsylvania or for those wanting to relive it. Each time I would step into a home that he designed, I felt I was “home”. I love the lines, the warmth of the wood, blending with nature, the colors, the orderliness, attention to detail. Did you know he worked up to two weeks before his death at 92? His greatest works were done in his 80’s?!

The Presidential Libraries I visited: Gerald Ford, Herbert Hoover, James Monroe, FDR, Carter, Clinton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington. FDR started the Libraries, so the older ones were homes/museums.

The “Diners” (from Guy Fieri’s “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” Food Channel show): The Mad Greek, Rosie’s Diner, The Fly Trap (the best), Krazy Jim’s Blimpy Burgers, Myer’s Grill and Charlie’s.

Military: West Point, Jamestowne, Yorktown, Antietam, Monocacy, Old Soldier’s Home, Arlington Cemetery.

Plantations: Boone-Hall, Gunston-Hall.

My “Wonder-bladder” dog Blondie was the best!! Never a complaint! My eyes and ears for safety! I think she’s ready to go again!

Thanks to all for your interest in my celebration of life birthday trip! Luv, LN

Mom, thanks so much for your spirit of adventure and allowing us to live your journey vicariously!! Wonderful! I look forward to your next adventure!

Much love,


P.S. Lots of photos added to the slideshow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On the way home!

10/02 - My Margaret passed on at 5:15 am this morning. So grateful I got to say goodbye to her on this trip.

10/05 - Just saw the largest American home - the Biltmore Estate! Wowee!! On to Memphis...

10/08 - At cowboy museum in Oklahoma City working my way back home!

There are a couple new photos at the bottom.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Update from the East Coast

Hi there!

Sorry the updates have been sporadic. I'm going to catch things up now and then I'm going out of town for the weekend and will be back on Monday.

Some people have asked how to make a comment - when you're looking at the blog, at the end of a post (that's one of these typed entries) there is a little image that looks like a pencil. Just click on that and it will take you to a form where you can enter your comments. Hope that helps!

Here are the updates from mom -

9/18 - Am just east of Albany, NY. Into Mass tomorrow! Gorgeous country! Dinner was cod cakes and skirt steak - yum!!

9/22 - Just went thru Breakers in Newport RI. Wow! After break is Rosecliff and onto Mystic NC.

9/22 - In New Haven CT. Moving right along!

9/24 - Am somewhere in Jersey. Just talked with cousin Ev. We'll get together tomorrow if I find where I am.

9/26 - Just toured Falling Water. Wow. It's as old as I am. How fitting!

There are a few new photos at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On to New York City!

Hi there! I'm backlogged a bit on mom's updates, so here are a few of them:

9/14 - She called from Houghton Lake:

My cousin lives so close to nature! The lake is just a few houses down the street. Blondie waded in up to her belly!

I'm getting homesick!

Coming up here was awful! Torrential rain! There were even cars sliding off the road.

I see Pat tomorrow.

9/15 - Text message from Detroit:

In Detroit at Pat's. Rain stopped finally! Pat is a Leo too and started feeding me right away - love it!

9/18 - Phone call from New York:

I'm in New York a couple days ahead of my schedule.

Niagara was too commercial! I thought it would be better on the Canadian side, but it was even worse! But I paid $13 for a parking spot on the street and got to watch the sun go down.

There are nice clouds here which are great for picture taking.

They are using some ethanol in their gas out here so the gas is less than $4 per gallon.

The highway I'm on is a toll road. They give you a ticket when you get on and then when you get to the end you have to pay. I have no idea how much it's going to cost!

I enjoyed my stay at Pat's. She packed a care package for me - BLT sandwich and other sandwiches. And there were notes in the napkins! Very nice!

OK, there ya go! There are two new photos in the slideshow at the bottom of the page. Keep up the comments, and GO MOM!! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Windy City

From mom on Thurs 9/11:

I'm calling from Chicago. I'm a little tired today. Got to the motel earlier. Watching weather and the politics!

From mom on Fri 9/12:

I'm in Oak Park. I took a nap in the van. Legs are really aching. Stood through the Frank Lloyd Wright tour yesterday and then Ernest Hemingway's home. FLW was more interesting to me.

The picture is of Margaret Hunt, my 100 1/2 yr old friend! Her mind is very sharp. I told her we're going for 105 now and that I'd be back! I want to know how to do it because my goal is to get at least to 101 - because of all my schooling (ie, History 101, etc)!

Coming into Chicago was very frightening. Comes from a farm land right into the big city. There are toll roads too but I haven't hit any yet.

Some things I'm not doing because of the weather - like the Sears Tower. Wouldn't be able to see anything.

As you can see from the comments on the previous post, Larry's been helping mom with her GPS. She told me today that she figured out why it wasn't charging - she had plugged the USB charger into the wrong port on her laptop! (I can't for the life of me figure out what port she DID plug it into, but didn't think it was important enough to ask.) Unfortunately, once she had figured it out she didn't have enough time to charge it thoroughly before leaving the motel, but now she knows how next time she has access to power.

I'm glad that people are enjoying the blog! Please do continue to leave comments - just click on the pencil below the blog posts. If you have an update from her, please feel free to add it! If you just want to send encouraging comments, please do so! I do know that she is checking the blog. Thanks everyone!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

On through Minnesota

Yesterday morning mom left a message -

I'm in the van looking at a young teenage girl who looks like she's touring on a bicycle.
I'm in the Badlands - they're BAD and they're BEAUTIFUL! Looks like a cathedral every turn you take. The striations are amazing gelogically. An amazing place. Slept in the van last night. It rained which sounded great.
My back feels better. Feeling good. Blondie's a good girl. Went to Wall Drugs. Shopped and ate - I'm raring to go!
I've picked up a day as you can see from the itinerary. We'll see how long that lasts.
Saw Rushmore and Crazy Horse yesterday. Absolutely wonderful. I think I'll be dead when they're only 1/2 way through but I understand why they're doing it with private funds.

This morning she called again. Said she was in Minnesota or Wisconsin, couldn't tell which! She was stopped at the side of the road and was letting Blondie run around in a field. Farm land everywhere!

She says that it's definitely longer on the road than it is on the map! And that it's fascinating to see our country from the ground up.

Going to see Frank Lloyd Wright things tomorrow.

I asked how Blondie was taking the trip. She said the dog was doing great and waking her every morning with kisses! I asked how her knees and legs were holding up with all the walking and she said she was feeling great. Excellent! Go mom!!